Tuesday, March 16, 2010

ideas journal 2

2.2 Encourage the development of a personal vision within the context of art.
The reason why I did this image is because i like the who fashion style and the japanese style, homes and the culture.
1.2 understanding of visual enviroment
For this image I just felt that it would be interesting to portray a japanese dress on sale at a store. it was to show that dresses can be fancy and still be a good price.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Ideas journal

3.2 Promote the Individual Expression of ideas

I did this image for my ideas journal because I like to express myself in different ways through the manga style art. my individual expression is that I like to take images that i find and create it my own way not necassarely the same. for this image i wanted to draw this way to make it seem like she was from another world.